by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
I always enjoy Seth Godin’s blog posts. Today’s, Find your voice, struck a chord with me. Godin calls it voice; find your voice, that thing that makes you different, not simply “those things” that seem to be hot right now, and communicate...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
I contributed to an online article this June for BusinessWeek on email! The reporter used bits and pieces of an intense 30-minute interview. So, it got me thinking: I haven’t blogged about email marketing for a long time. I manage a handful of email...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
First, the disclaimer: I’m a huge Blue Man Group fan. That said, as a small business marketing consultant I’m curious about all things marketing. So, when I received an email from BMG with a link to their new video on, I clicked through to...
by hamilton | Blog, Marketing Ideas, Recession-Proof Marketing |
Remember the first sentence in the book Good to Great? “Good is the enemy of great.” The idea was you had to push past good to get to great; getting past the old “if it ain’t broke. . .don’t fix it. . .” In today’s economy...
by hamilton | Blog, Marketing Ideas, Social Marketing |
Just read a good post by Naomi Dunford on not so delicately titled “7 ways you’re screwing up relationship marketing.” Good blog, by the way. I follow it, you should too. Naomi’s point is well taken. We can make a mistake in...