by hamilton | Social Marketing |
I use Twitter and recommend it to my clients. It does two things for me: let’s me get the word out quickly and easily to a group of people (who follow me); allows me to “watch” what is happening. If Twitter is new to you, here is a good Twitter...
by hamilton | Blog, Effective Marketing |
I have a wonderful neighbor, Jimmy Grecco, 91, Italian kid from the Bronx who still rides his motorcycle. He served on the US Dickman attack transport and participated in the major invasions (his ship launched the landing craft for beach assaults). He gave me a...
by hamilton | Blog, Effective Marketing |
Most of us saw CNN’s foray into 3D during their election coverage. Here’s an interesting post by Digital Inspiration about how they did it. At the bottom of the page are two videos (by CNN and Cisco) explaining how its done and the implications for...
by hamilton | Ethics in Marketing |
People ask me a lot about “truth in marketing.” Is all marketing hype? Can you be a successful marketer without somehow “tricking” people? That sort of thing. It’s something I care very much about because: marketing, as practiced...