by hamilton | Blog, Effective Marketing |
I have a wonderful neighbor, Jimmy Grecco, 91, Italian kid from the Bronx who still rides his motorcycle. He served on the US Dickman attack transport and participated in the major invasions (his ship launched the landing craft for beach assaults). He gave me a...
by hamilton | Blog, Effective Marketing |
Most of us saw CNN’s foray into 3D during their election coverage. Here’s an interesting post by Digital Inspiration about how they did it. At the bottom of the page are two videos (by CNN and Cisco) explaining how its done and the implications for...
by admin | Blog, Effective Marketing |
A book could be written on this topic, but I’m not going to write a book. So let’s get right to it. You can fail your way to success by: Managing the scope of your failures — never fail so big you can’t afford to move forward Learning from...
by admin | Blog, Effective Marketing |
My life basically is attracting people to my clients’ businesses. Part of my life since 1996 has been building website traffic. During which time I’ve been part of efforts that utilize probably every way to build traffic that exists. There are dozens of...
by admin | Blog, Effective Marketing |
After creating and implementing hundreds of marketing campaigns for clients in just about every industry imaginable, a handful of elements kept coming up as essential. That is, when we ignored one, we paid the price. Learn from my experience: 1. Your message...
by admin | Blog, Effective Marketing |
Form needs to follow function. Decide how you’ll use the brochure and what you’ll be asking people to do before you start to consider what format (size, number of colors, etc.) it should take. Say everything twice. Once in the headlines, sub-headlines,...