by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
A long time ago there was a farmer who was struggling with his garden. He tried everything he could think of without success. Determined, he sought out the advice of a wizard. He explained his situation. After reflection the wizard gave the farmer a pouch with this...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
Remember the “puppy dog close?” I can see you’re interested in that brown puppy. Why don’t you take her home for a few days, if you like her, buy her. You may not be old enough to have heard it called that. Are you old enough to have...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
I have an opinion, which I’m about to share, not surprisingly. But I wonder, what’s yours? My perspective- I work with clients on all sides of “this economy.” Some are having their best years ever. Some have come through it a...
by hamilton | Advertising, Marketing Ideas |
I have to thank David Sr., as he’s called at the company he owns with his son, David Jr., for this social media tip. They manufacture big pumps and mixers for general construction, which, in Arizona, has been an industry on its back (to put it mildly). ...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
As a marketing consultant I pay attention to marketing and am easily annoyed. How about you? Here are four things that annoy me. . .and likely everybody else on the planet- Instant pop-ups Those things that grey out the rest of the page, pop up six seconds after you...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
A better question to ask: What should we do FOR our best customers? Think about the companies for which you are a great customer. Been with them a long time, always pay on time, don’t require much hand-holding. The sad thing is, for most of us, we’re...