by hamilton | Advertising, Effective Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Uncategorized |
I judge the Microsoft store a success after hanging out at the grand opening of their Scottsdale store a few days ago (pics below). You can play with dozens of the latest desktops, laptops and netbooks, see every conceivable monitor, satisfy your ZuneHD lust, talk to...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Social Marketing, Uncategorized |
You’ve heard the old saying “you can’t put lipstick on a pig.” If sales are slipping, as you focus on changing your marketing — the amount of lipstick to use and the color — remember to include your product on your list of...
by hamilton | Advertising, Blog, Effective Marketing, Marketing Ideas, Search Engine Marketing |
A while ago I wrote about the power of context in marketing. I used Google Adwords (sponsored search, or pay-per-click) as a great example. Adwords ads give you 95 characters, including spaces, to tell your story. No pictures, no song-and-dance. Yet, those little...
by hamilton | Advertising, Blog, Search Engine Marketing |
I just jumped through all the hoops to earn my Qualified Google AdWords Professional status (thank you very much!). Doing so deepened my knowledge AND my appreciation for the differences between search marketing and traditional advertising. Search marketing beats...
by hamilton | Blog, Effective Marketing, Marketing Ideas, Recession-Proof Marketing, Search Engine Marketing |
Don’t know about you, but I don’t see a recession on the internet. I live in Scottsdale, Arizona. Nice place. Not the rust belt. Lots of people come here year-round to vacation, go to conventions, buy second homes, etc. (i.e., spend money). I drive...