by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
Your best salesperson is you. As an owner you have the most gravitas and create the most comfort in the mind of the prospect. But there’s a problem, isn’t there. You can’t spend all your time selling, especially now when you want to grow, and...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
Tim Denning has it right when he reminds us that writing to generate the most readership (or online views) is the shortest path to bad writing. He says, “By not focusing on views and being obsessed with creativity, your views will explode. And you might just...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
Marketing when times get tough — the first Iraq invasion, after 9/11, during the 2008 meltdown, and now — is hard. But it isn’t impossible. I know, I helped clients through the first three and we’re working our way through now, well…now....
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
March 21,2020 With so many being sent home to work I’ve seen lots of advice on how to work from home. Most of it bad. I’ve worked from a home office for a long time. If it can help, here’s what I’ve learned. Get ready for work. Shower, get...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
If your small business is suffering from the current COVID-19 shelter-in-place guidelines I can offer you five hours of consulting, free. It’s really that simple. We’ll meet via Skype or Zoom, I’ll listen, and make recommendations. I’m not sure...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
COVID-19 is very serious. Many people have died and many more will. And nobody knows what the ultimate economic damage will be. But as of March 19, 2020, the virus in the countries first hit is slowing its growth, or has stopped altogether, and the rest of the world...