by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
Here I sit, it’s Monday, October 12, 2020, seven or so months after covid changed my daily routine. What to do with all this extra time each day?? I probably could have written five books, remodeled the kitchen, or done any of hundreds of activities that would...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
Last week an owner said something I hear often when people discuss growing their business with me. He was struggling with which CRM package to buy (Customer Relationship Management software), whether to go with a virtual or part-time admin person, how to hire or...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
Your best salesperson is you. As an owner you have the most gravitas and create the most comfort in the mind of the prospect. But there’s a problem, isn’t there. You can’t spend all your time selling, especially now when you want to grow, and...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
Tim Denning has it right when he reminds us that writing to generate the most readership (or online views) is the shortest path to bad writing. He says, “By not focusing on views and being obsessed with creativity, your views will explode. And you might just...
by hamilton | Effective Marketing |
Marketing when times get tough — the first Iraq invasion, after 9/11, during the 2008 meltdown, and now — is hard. But it isn’t impossible. I know, I helped clients through the first three and we’re working our way through now, well…now....